Professional Solar Panel Installation in Austin, TX

Being abundant and free, sunlight is the perfect energy to create our electricity. It is believed that there is 6000 times more energy provided by the sun than is used on earth. Use this to your advantage with a reliable solar panel system.
Our Austin solar panels require little to no maintenance and this makes solar energy very attractive. Anyone who lives without a reliable grid connection will find these useful.

Solar Panel Austin Services

Solar Panel Installation

Our solar panel installations will be useful for your tax deductions for alternative usage of electrical energy.

Solar Inverter Installation

We also provide inverter installation for small-scale grid-connected rooftop solar photovoltaic systems.

Solar Panel Maintenance

The panels require little to no maintenance and this makes solar energy very attractive. Call us if something went wrong so we can help.

System Monitoring

This allows you total power production estimate and calculates your total money saved using solar power.

WHAT WE OFFERHow Solar Works

Our Austin solar panel installation comes with a warranty guaranteed for a number of years
Austin Solar has inverters that can even output AC power at voltages above regular mains power, which is useful for people who have commercial or industrial equipment set up.
You can even re-design your house with solar panel roofs. They will convert sunlight to electricity and you can use this energy to heat your home or power your appliances.
The active usage is for those solar panels that are attached to your electric meter as well as a battery and will be regulated by it.
Excess electricity produced by solar panels is fed to the electric grid.
Both homes and commercial properties in Austin are enjoying the immense benefits of solar PV that provide an effective, energy-efficient option.

About Solar Panel AustinSolar Panel Installation Austin Services

After early questioning of the efficiency of solar cells, their conversion rate has been increasing year on year. Add this to the fact that there is still so much untapped potential with solar energy and it's easy to see why you might want to invest.

By switching to Solar Panel Austin, you can take yourself off the power grid. No more transmission lines snaking over your roof.

Frequently Asked Questions

The below are some frequently asked questions about everything related to solar panels for a home or business.

What Type Of Solar System Should You Get?

Solar power systems will be one of the best decisions you could make for keeping your utility bill down. There are a lot of factors that go into this decision though and there are some things that should be considered before making the move to solar power.  The first thing to do would be to see if there are any solar incentives available for your solar project. Perhaps certain solar companies are offering discounts for certain types of solar panels. Is your roof too shaded? What direction does your home face or does your roof even get enough sun? How much will you be saving and how big of a solar system setup will you need? These are all very good questions to ask your account rep when they come to give you a few quotes on new solar power systems. ALso, don’t forget to ask about the federal solar incentives to help your house go green. The installation process is also very key to keeping costs down. A huge expense will be the solar installation on your roof. To get costs down, get a few quotes from solar contractors before agreeing to one company.

Do You Need Permission To Get a Solar Panel System?

This is a big question for a lot of people. This is a great question for your account representative when he comes to give you a quote for a solar installation. In Texas the short answer is yes, a permit is probably needed. Home Owners Associations might want to know about a residence converting to solar power as well. Be sure to check with any regulatory agencies who currently make decisions for your neighborhood. Either way, the panels will raise the value of the home considerably and the amount saved per month will make them worth it.

What If It’s Cloudy Around Austin?

This is a very common question that we get asked. It’s true as well. Austin, Texas is notorious for having rather polluted and cloudy weather. During cloudy weather, it is true that your panels won’t be converting as much of the suns energy into dollars in your pockets but they will still work great. Once the sun is back, they will go back to being 100% efficient at their jobs of converting the suns light to energy. So, no matter what, the solar power panels will be working all the time except for when it’s completely pitch black out.

What Are The Energy Savings by Switching to Austin Texas Solar Energy?

First thing to do to figure out your energy savings on solar power systems would be to check out the federal tax credits. The solar industry has gotten much less expensive than in the past. Solar panels cost money upfront during the installation process but save you money in the long term. The average savings for the typical home ranges from between $8,500 to $40,000 over the lifetime of your solar system. There are a number of factors that determine energy savings by using solar. The first is how much sun is going to actually hit your solar panels once installed. Aside from the sun, it’s also important to pay attention to the angle of the roof as well as the size of the panels. When you do have your panels already installed, it’s very important to keep them clean of dust and debris as this is a sure way to keep them working efficiently. Over the months, panels get dirty and need to be cleaned a few times per year to keep saving you the maximum.

Can Solar Panels be Installed On My Roof Type?

We use some of the top selling solar panels in the industry today. These advanced panels are made to be installed on any type of roof made today. They are also made to be attached to any roof pitch or even flat roofs. The most important thing to do would be to make sure that your roof is free of the need for repairs before installing panels. It’s important to do this because if your roof needs repairing after the installation of panels, then the panels need to be removed and put back on.

What Happens To My Energy Savings When It’s Dark Outside?

You would be surprised at how dark it actually has to be for your panels to stop working completely. With that being said, it is true that as the sun goes down, your panels won’t be taking in the suns rays and converting them to energy anymore. But it’s not an on and off switch either. During the afternoon hours of around 1pm to 5pm the panels will be working full speed converting the rays into energy and avoiding the electric company. Both before and after these hours, the panels will still be working but they will be working with less of the sun’s rays. This means that they will be producing less energy. So, in the middle of the night and the sun has been down for hours now, the panels won’t be working anymore until the morning. When it’s completely dark, you can still enjoy electricity in the home by net metering and battery storage. Be sure to ask your installer or account representative about getting the maximum from your solar panel system whether that be day or night.

How Long Will The Solar Panel System Last?

Solar panel systems are constantly being made and modified as the years pass. They are getting more and more efficient at converting the suns rays into energy for the home or business below. Right now would be the best time ever to switch to solar energy because the panels being produced today are more efficient than those made even a few years ago. Solar panel systems end up lasting about 25-30 years which is a ton of savings on your utility bill! The average amount of savings from a good solar installation is around $15,000 so you can be sure to get your moneys worth over the course of the next 30 or so years.

What Happens To Solar Systems If The Homeowner Has to Move to Another Home?

The answer to this question depends on several factors. If you are moving locally then it will be possible to talk to one of our solar installers about removing the solar panel system and getting them put up on the new house as soon as you move in. This isn’t always the best idea though because of the sun’s conditions at the new house. Chances are it won’t be the same and you might end up needing to just get a new solar power system installed on the new house. After all, the current system was made for your home and your home only. This is something you should call us about to determine what the best option for a solar installation would be. We will send out a few solar contractors to provide you with a quote on this. If you are moving out of state then it’s almost always better to just leave the panels on the existing home. The value of the home should increase as well with the new owner enjoying the lower electrical costs. It ends up being more of a hassle than it’s worth to take the panels to another, out of state, location. If you are leasing your panels, then there are a few options there as well. You could arrange for the new homeowner to take over the lease, you could pay off the lease and move, or you could contact us to see about moving the panels to your new home.

Would My Business Benefit From Going To A Solar Power System?

Going solar is a big decision not only for home owners but also business owners and even industrial complex owners. The answer is that just as Austin Texas residences enjoy solar savings and solar incentives, the businesses here can also save money on their electric bill. Basically, if you are paying an electric bill, then you can absolutely save money with a solar panel system. The property value would also go up too if you were to install solar electric power on the roof. If you are a business or industrial park looking for solar companies to install solar panels for you then get a few quotes and compare them. See how much energy their system produces and choose the solar company providing the solar installation more accurately as a result.

Can Solar Panel Systems Damage Your Roof If Done By A Bad Solar Installer?

This is a tricky question to answer as it really depends on the installation process and how the solar installer installed the panels. All of our technicians have been in the solar energy industry for years and know the ins and outs of a good panel installation. Solar systems aren’t as complicated as they seem and solar energy has been deemed the future for residential solar systems. There are a lot of Austin solar panel companies though so be sure to look at reviews and past performance of any other company. We highly recommend that your solar energy installer avoids using nails and bolts that are too long when securing the panels through your roof. During the inspection process, the account representative will be checking the depth of the roof to make sure to avoid putting unecessarily large holes into your roof which can result in leaks over time. The solar energy panels on top of your roof typically last for 30-35 years so that is much longer than a roof will last. You will most likely have to replace your roof shingles before you ever take apart the solar panels and risk leaks in the attic. Again though, a lot depends on the installation process to install solar in the first place so be sure your installer does a good job.

Should You Try Solar Energy Or At Least Get A Quote For A Solar System?

Going to solar energy in Austin is a big decision and should not be taken lightly. Your main objective is to save money. Remember the federal tax credits as well. Be prepared to talk to your account representative about your federal taxes as well as these credits to see how they will help you save money on the cost of solar energy and solar installation. They should be very cost-effective and your representative should be able to tell you exactly how much you will be saving by getting Austin solar energy panels installed. Austin energy bills are at an all time high right now. Residential solar panels are getting cheaper and cheaper thanks to federal solar tax credits and local solar incentives through the right solar contractor.

What Areas Does Solar Panel Austin Service?

A solar panel installation company often will tell you that they service West Austin but won’t even show up to the appointment! We service not only all of Austin Texas but also North Austin. We are the solar array experts in this area for sure. Be sure to give us a call for a free consultation on an entire solar system. All of our solar contractors and installers have passed a criminal background check and we do great work using only quality products.

Would I Be Able To Completely Drop My Electric Company If I Get These Panels Installed?

This is a difficult question to answer without having all the necessary data for your home but this whole process starts with a quote for energy panels. During this quote, the Austin TX solar energy installer will go through your utility bill and determine how many panels you will need to not need your electrical company anymore. The more electricity you use, the more panels you will need. If your family sticks around the amount of usage as you currently exhibit, then yes, you should be able to only use your solar panels for your electrical needs instead of relying on the utility company. One way to make this process happen faster is to make sure that your home is energy efficient. Is excess energy leaking out through damaged windows or leaky doors? Be sure that you are taking care of the excess energy that could be saved by home proofing your residence. It’s also important to get a custom solar estimate for your home or business. Renewable energy has the capability of reducing the home’s energy usage.

What Kind of Maintenance Needs To Be Done On Austin Texas Solar Energy Panels?

Solar panels were designed to be fairly hands off. The solar industry has advanced a lot even in the past few years. For example, it would never be necessary for you to go on your roof and disconnect a solar panel. Usually, the wind and the rain are two great cleaners for the surface of your solar panels. If they get caked in dirt or dust then they start to not work efficiently. The rain and wind can sometimes clean the panels well but if they don’t then it is recommended to have us come out and clean them for you. Be sure to ask your account rep about  getting a quote for this service. Usually, we come out twice per year and make sure all connections are tight and that the panels are 100% clean and working for you.

How Much Does It Cost To Install Solar Panels On My Roof?

The cost of installing solar panels on your home or business roof varies with a lot of factors coming into play. Be sure to have your utility bill ready for the account rep that comes to your home and gives you a quote. It will be important for him/her to analyze how much you are currently using in electricity per month and how much you would save with solar energy. For example, a family of 5 would expend much more energy than just a couple living in the home. The more energy your family uses, the more panels would be needed to try and eliminate your utility company. The more panels you have, the more expensive the whole solar system is going to be. In general, it usually costs between $15,000 and $40,000 to have solar panels installed on their roof. There are a lot of federal tax credits available almost always though so be sure to check into them before planning on paying full price.

Can I Afford To Go Solar?

Our company now has low interest and zero-down options to finance your solar energy efforts. These panels are not cheap and we go with some of the best quality panels on the market today. For this reason, the solar system that we install on your roof will cost thousands of dollars. With that being said, there are ways to either lease or finance the panels for purchase. Be sure to ask your representative for details.

Should I Buy or Lease the Austin Solar Panels?

We at Solar Panels Austin have done plenty of solar installations to know that there are advantages and disadvantages to both buying and leasing panels. There are basically three ways of paying for your solar panels. The first way is to secure what is known as a solar loan from us. You can make it either a secure loan or an unsecured loan and both options have their advantages and disadvantages. The second way is to utilize a home equity line of credit which might be the best option for you if you don’t have the cash to pay for the panels outright. This would be done through your bank though and not through our company. The third and best option to pay for your panels is to pay via cash. If you pay with cash, then you are paying for the system without paying any interest. If you lease the panels then you are always going to end up paying more as a result of periodic interest charges. If you have the cash to pay for the panels upfront, then this would be a great idea but if you don’t then don’t worry. Just ask your installer or account representative about how much you would save by going solar with a lease as well as in cash.

How Many Panels Will I Need For My Solar Power System?

This is a question that requires a little bit more information from the homeowner but the average homeowner needs about 20-24 solar panels on their roof to cover 100% of their electric usage. It’s highly recommended to get a quote for new solar panels. With that being said, the actual number of panels you will need depends on the following factors.
-How much sun will you receive on your roof? Are any portions shaded?
-How efficient are your solar panels working?
-Your personal consumption habits. How much energy does your household use on a daily basis.


Solar Panel Austin

Address: 1422 Collier St APT 114
Austin, TX 78704

Phone: (512) 399-4568


Our Hours:

Mon – Sun ( 8am – 8pm )

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